Object Mapping

Utilize the power of TypeScript classes in your models

What is a model

Let's suppose we have this basic structure for our document

    name: "Alex Corvi",
    yearBorn: 1992,
    skills: [
            tech: "Typescript",
            since: 2015 
            tech: "NodeJS",
            since: 2013
            tech: "HTML",
            since: 2011

Out of the above document we can guess few things that aren't mentioned directly in document, like:

  • The current age of Alex Covri

  • His first name

  • His last name

  • How long he has been into web development

  • Whether he knows some backend

  • Whether he knows some frontend

  • Whether he is a full stack developer

And we can translate those guesses into a `get` methods in a class, like this:

interface Skill {
    tech: string;
    since: number;

class Developer extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;    
    skills: Skill[];
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;
    get firstName() {
        return this.name.split(" ")[0]
    get lastName() {
        return this.name.split(" ")[1]
    get startedWithSkill() {
        let oldestTech = {
            tech: "",
            since: new Date().getFullYear()
            if(skill.since < oldestTech.since) {
                oldestTech = skill;
        return oldestTech;
    get startedInYear() {
        return this.startedWithSkill.since;
    get totalExperience() {
        return  new Date().getFullYear() - this.startedInYear;
    get isFrontEndDev() {
        return !!this.skills.find(skill=>{
            return ["HTML", "CSS"].indexOf(skill.tech) !== -1
    get isBackEndDev() {
        return !!this.skills.find(skill=>{
            return ["NodeJS", "PHP"].indexOf(skill.tech) !== -1
    get isFullstackDev() {
        return this.isFrontEndDev && this.isBackEndDev;
    setYearBornByAge(age: number) {
        this.yearBorn = new Date().getFullYear() - age;
    makeFrontEnd(since: number) {
            tech: "HTML",
            tech: "CSS",

The class above is called a Model.

In the class above, for any developer we can guess 9 properties out of 3 properties (a total of 12 properties). Also, we've written some methods that helps us in the editing of the developer properties. The possibilities are endless!

Using new method

And since we're extending BaseModel we're also aided by a method called new which can help us create a new developer in a one liner

let alex = Developer.new({
    name: "Alex Corvi",
    yearBorn: 1992
    // properties that are not
    // mentioned in this argument
    // will be the defaults defined
    // in the class above

// variable "alex" is a fully modeled
// accorcing to the given class above.

Persisting and Mapping

When persisting data, the model will not be persisted, only the actual fields (neither getters nor methods) will be persisted.

Querying and updating

You can query documents based on the getter properties like this

db.find({filter: { isFullstackDev: true }})

but you can not update getter properties nor methods, and it would result in unexpected behaviors.

Best practices

  • Define computed getters instead of functions and methods.

  • Always use Model.new to create new documents.

  • Use computed properties (getter methods) for querying.

  • Define createdAt and updatedAt in your model when you're using them in you database.

  • Never try to directly set a computed property or update it via the update operators.

  • Use Model.new in conjugation with the upsert operator $setOnInsert.

  • Write computed properties (getter methods) to simplify your queries.

  • Always defined defaults for your fields in the model.

As the database is actually a class you can also extends this class before calling it, adding your own methods and keeping your code cleanly OOP.

import { Database } from "tydb";

class Developers extends Database {
    addDev() {
    removeDev() {
    // etc...

Last updated

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