Database Operations

Writing, reading, updating, deleting, counting, indexing, reloading and compacting.

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.insert([{ yearBorn: 11 })]);
await db.find({ filter: { yearBorn: 11 } });
await db.update({ filter: { yearBorn: 11 }, update: { $set: { yearBorn: 11 } } });
await db.upsert({
    filter: { yearBorn: 11 },
    update: { $set: { yearBorn: 5 }, $setOnInsert:{ yearBorn: 5 }) },
await db.count({ yearBorn: 11 });
await db.delete({ filter: { yearBorn: 11 }, multi: true });
await db.createIndex({fieldName: "name"});
await db.removeIndex("name");
await db.reload();
await db.compact();
await db.forcefulUnlock();
await db.stopAutoCompaction();
await db.resetAutoCompaction(9000);


argument type

return type




docs: Array<Model>;

number: number;



import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "alex"; // default is "alex"
    yearBorn: number = 1992; // default is 
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.insert([{
        yearBorn: 1990
        /* default name will be used */
        name: "john"
        /* default yearBorn will be used */
        name: "john"
        yearnBorn: 1980,
        _id: "some-unique-id",

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with object that has the following properties:

  • docs: Is an array of the inserted documents.

  • number: Is the number of the inserted documents.


argument type

return type



filter?: Query<Model>;

skip?: number;

limit?: number;

sort?: Sort<Model>;





interface FindArgument<Model> {
    filter?: Query<Model>; // optional
    skip?: number; // optional
    limit: number; // optional
    sort: Sort<Model>; // optional


  • filter is a query similar to the query language of MongoDB, it can accepts direct equality evaluation like {age: 11} or a field level operator: {age: { $gt: 11 }} or a top level operator: $or: [{ age: 11 }, { age: 12 }].

Operators are those parameter that starts with the dollar sign $ (e.g. $gt, $lt, $or... etc.). Field names (e.g. name, age, yearBorn) can not start with a dollar sign.

  • skip and limit are both number, and basically self-explanatory.

  • sort is an object that its keys must be the same as Model keys (or some of them), yet the value of those keys must be either 1 (for ascending sorting) or -1 (for descending sorting).

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

 * Will find all documents that has year born
 * as 1992 and named "alex"
await db.find({
    filter: {
        // direct filtering
        yearBorn: 11,
        name: "alex",
 * Will find all documents that has year born
 * less than 1990 (1989, 1988 ... etc)
await db.find({
    filter: {
        // field level operator
        yearBorn: { $lt: 1990 },
 * Will find all documents that has year born
 * either 1991 or 1981
await db.find({
    filter: {
        // top level operator
        $or: [{ yearBorn: 1991 }, { yearBorn: 1981 }],
 * Will find all documents that has year born
 * not greater than 1990 nor less than 1980
 * and named alex
await db.find({
    filter: {
        // top level operator
        // with field level operator
        $nor: [{ yearBorn: { $lt: 1980 } }, { yearBorn: { $gt: 1990 } }],
        name: "alex",

You can also use the computed value when filtering (the beauty of object mapping).

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

 * Will find all documents that has
 * the computed value "age" as 12 
 * and named "alex"
await db.find({
    filter: {
        // direct filtering
        age: 12,
        name: "alex",

For more about query operators and options read: Query API documentation. And for more about the benifit of object mapping in the query API, read: Object Mapping documentation.

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with an array of the matched documents. If no documents matches then the array would be empty.


argument type

return type



filter: Query<Model>;

update: Update<Model>;

multi: boolean;



docs: Array<Model>;

number: number;



interface FindArgument<Model> {
    filter: Query<Model>;
    update: Update<Model>;
    multi: boolean; // optional, defaults to false


  • filter is a query similar to the query language of MongoDB, it can accepts direct equality evaluation like {age: 11} or a field level operator: {age: { $gt: 11 }} or a top level operator: $or: [{ age: 11 }, { age: 12 }].

Operators are those parameter that starts with the dollar sign $ (e.g. $gt, $lt, $or... etc.). Field names (e.g. name, age, yearBorn) can not start with a dollar sign.

  • update is an object of update operators and modifiers, similar to the update operators and modifiers of MonogDB.

  • multi is a boolean, defaults to false, if true it will update all the matched documents, if it's false it will update only the first matched document.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.update({
    filter: { age: 11 },
    // increment yearBorn by 15
    // and set name to "john"
    update: { $inc: { yearBorn: 15 }, $set: { name: "john" } },

For more about query operators and options read: Query API documentation. And for more about update operators and modifiers read: Update API documentation.

Do not apply update operators to the readonly values that are the computed properties (e.g. age property in the model above).

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with object that has the following properties:

  • docs: Is an array of the update documents.

  • number: Is the number of the updated documents.


argument type

return type



filter: Query<Model>;

update: Upsert<Model>;

multi: boolean;



docs: Array<Model>;

number: number;




interface FindArgument<Model> {
    filter: Query<Model>;
    update: Upsert<Model>;
    multi: boolean; // optional, defaults to false


  • filter is a query similar to the query language of MongoDB, it can accepts direct equality evaluation like {age: 11} or a field level operator: {age: { $gt: 11 }} or a top level operator: $or: [{ age: 11 }, { age: 12 }].

Operators are those parameter that starts with the dollar sign $ (e.g. $gt, $lt, $or... etc.). Field names (e.g. name, age, yearBorn) can not start with a dollar sign.

  • update is an object of update operators and modifiers, similar to the update operators and modifiers of MonogDB. But with one required field ($setOnInsert). This field value must the document to be inserted if no documents where found to be updates.

  • multi is a boolean, defaults to false, if true it will update all the matched documents, if it's false it will update only the first matched document.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.upsert({
    filter: { name: "alex" },
    update: {
      $set: { age: 5 },
      $setOnInsert:{ age: 5, name: "alex" })

For more about query operators and options read: Query API documentation. And for more about update operators and modifiers read: Update API documentation.

Do not apply update operators to the readonly values that are the computed properties (e.g. age property in the model above).

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with object that has the following properties:

  • docs: Is an array of the inserted/updated documents.

  • number: Is the number of the inserted/updated documents.

  • upsert: is a boolean that should be true when an insertion actually occurred, and should be false if an update occurred.


argument type

return type





For counting documents that meet a specified query. This method takes the Query<Model> as an argument. It is similar to the query language of MongoDB, it can accepts direct equality evaluation like {age: 11} or a field level operator: {age: { $gt: 11 }} or a top level operator: $or: [{ age: 11 }, { age: 12 }].

Operators are those parameter that starts with the dollar sign $ (e.g. $gt, $lt, $or... etc.). Field names (e.g. name, age, yearBorn) can not start with a dollar sign.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

 * Will count all documents that has year born
 * as 1992 and named "alex"
await db.count({
    // direct filtering
    yearBorn: 11,
    name: "alex",
 * Will count all documents that has year born
 * less than 1990 (1989, 1988 ... etc)
await db.count({
    // field level operator
    yearBorn: { $lt: 1990 },
 * Will count all documents that has year born
 * either 1991 or 1981
await db.count({
    // top level operator
    $or: [{ yearBorn: 1991 }, { yearBorn: 1981 }],
 * Will count all documents that has year born
 * not greater than 1990 nor less than 1980
 * and named alex
await db.count({
    // top level operator
    // with field level operator
    $nor: [{ yearBorn: { $lt: 1980 } }, { yearBorn: { $gt: 1990 } }],
    name: "alex",

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with a number, that is the number of the documents matching the given query.


argument type

return type



filter: Query<Model>;

multi: boolean;



docs: Array<Model>;

number: number;



interface FindArgument<Model> {
    filter: Query<Model>;
    update: Upsert<Model>;
    multi: boolean; // optional, defaults to false


  • filter is a query similar to the query language of MongoDB, it can accepts direct equality evaluation like {age: 11} or a field level operator: {age: { $gt: 11 }} or a top level operator: $or: [{ age: 11 }, { age: 12 }].

Operators are those parameter that starts with the dollar sign $ (e.g. $gt, $lt, $or... etc.). Field names (e.g. name, age, yearBorn) can not start with a dollar sign.

  • multi is a boolean, defaults to false, if true it will update all the matched documents, if it's false it will update only the first matched document.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

 * deletes ALL documents that has 11
 * as the value of property "age"
await db.delete({
    filter: { age: 11 },
    multi: true

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with object that has the following properties:

  • docs: Is an array of the deleted documents.

  • number: Is the number of the deleted documents.


argument type

return type



fieldName: string;

unique?: boolean;

sparse?: boolean;

expireAfterSeconds?: number;



affectedIndex: string



  • fieldName (required): name of the field to index.

  • unique (optional, defaults to false): enforce field uniqueness. Note that a unique index will raise an error if you try to index two documents for which the field is not defined.

  • sparse (optional, defaults to false): don't index documents for which the field is not defined. Use this option along with "unique" if you want to accept multiple documents for which it is not defined.

  • expireAfterSeconds (number of seconds, optional): if set, the created index is a TTL (time to live) index, that will automatically remove documents when the system date becomes larger than the date on the indexed field plus expireAfterSeconds. Documents where the indexed field is not specified or not a Date object are ignored.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "alex"; // default is "alex"
    yearBorn: number = 1992; // default is 
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.createIndex({
  fieldName: "name",
  unique: false,
  sparse: false

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with object that has the following properties:

  • affectedIndex: Is a string of the field name that the index created upon.


argument type

return type




affectedIndex: string



import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "alex"; // default is "alex"
    yearBorn: number = 1992; // default is 
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.removeIndex("name");

Return type

Method return a promise fulfilling with object that has the following properties:

  • affectedIndex: Is a string of the field name that the index created upon.


argument type

return type





Reloading the persistence layer (e.g. the file) of the database, so any changes that were made external to the instance of the database will be loaded into this instance.

import { BaseModel, Database, FS_Persistence_Adapter } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "";
    yearBorn: number = 0;

// first instance
const db1 = new Database<Model>({
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,
    persistence_adapter: FS_Persistence_Adapter

// second instance on the same ref
// using the same persistence adapter
const db2 = new Database<Model>({
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,
    persistence_adapter: FS_Persistence_Adapter

await db1.insert([{name: "john", yearBorn: 1983})])

// db2 is not aware of the insertion occurred in db1
// although they are both using the same file

await db2.reload();


argument type

return type





There's a locking mechanism implemented in the file system persistence adapter to prevent two instances from modifying the same file at once. So one of them has to wait for the other. However, it may occur that one of the instances would crash while modifying the file and the lock would still be there, so the other instance would have to wait forever for the file to be unlocked.

This is why this utility method is provided as a means of forcefully unlocking the file.


argument type

return type





When persisting data (e.g. into a file), the data will be persisted by appending, this is to avoid re-writing of the whole file in case of removing or updating. This behavior might result in an increase in the persistence layer size (e.g. file size). That's why the database provides you with a function to compact the file size:

import { Database, FS_Persistence_Adapter } from "tydb";
const mydb = new Database({
    ref: "a-database-name",
    persistence_adapter: FS_Persistence_Adapter,
mydb.compact(); // returns a promise


argument type

return type





Resetting (or starting) auto compaction at intervals of time.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "alex"; // default is "alex"
    yearBorn: number = 1992; // default is 
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,

await db.resetAutoCompaction(10000) // every 10 seconds
setTimeout(async ()=>{
    // after 20 seconds, auto compaction
    // will occur every 30 seconds
    await db.resetAutoCompaction(30000)


argument type

return type





Stopping auto compaction.

import { BaseModel, Database } from "./src";

class Model extends BaseModel {
    name: string = "alex"; // default is "alex"
    yearBorn: number = 1992; // default is 
    get age() {
        return new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearBorn;

const db = new Database<Model>({
    // database configuration parameters ...
    ref: "a-database-name",
    model: Model,
    autoCompaction: 900

await db.stopAutoCompaction();

Last updated

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